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Abbey K.

Lead Enrollment Representative

“It is a beautiful thing to help students make their goals a reality.”

I always say I didn't choose Cengage Group, it chose me. Working in education technology was never something that crossed my mind, rather, I ended up at Cengage because of the ability to work remotely. Having young children, I needed something that allowed me to work and grow in my career, but also maintain my family commitments. After being in the role for just a few short months, I knew it was the job for me. The work, and the impact I can have for students and my team is what has kept me here.

As an enrollment representative, I work closely with students each day, listening to what their career aspirations are, and helping them identify the best career training courses to help make their goals a reality. It is incredibly rewarding to work with students and hear the success stories after they completed the course.”

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